Doors along the Camino

For several days I took photos of the beautifully weathered doors I saw as we passed through villages and towns. It’s interesting that modern Spanish buildings favor automatic glass doors.






Categories: Camino, Spirituality | Tags: , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Doors along the Camino

  1. Lorin

    You’re like an architect, Beth. I always come home with more photos of door knockers and lights – the little details that always seem to catch my eye – than I really need.


    • Lorin, I love architecture, and Spain provides constant architectural stimulation. And for the native Californian, I saw so many architectural roots of famous California buildings: church bell towers, red tile roofs, like the Missions, iron work on windows and stairways, lots of details that reminded me of the Spanish houses in the Fernside district of Alameda; and also, old Hollywood movies.


  2. Melindaland

    Potent metaphor all those lovely and intriguing doors. All so sturdy, some speaking of external threat, some open and welcoming. I especially like door # 2 with the elaborate bosses, that extraordinary lock & that this door is open! More door photos please?


    • Yes, I loved the hardware! No cheapo Home Depot “lock sets” to be seen anywhere. I was always keenly aware of where I was stepping, because there were always thresholds to step over, and steps down, and irregular stairs without handrails. Spain was challenging for those of us in the Klutz Club.
      I’m going to attempt uploading of photos from my camera soon.


  3. Anita

    I LOVE these doors. Your photos are fabulous and capture their beauty, mystery, and majesty.


  4. Sally Damsen

    I LOVE these doors. They can probably tell many good stories.


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