Dark night of the Snore

After my pleasant dinner by myself in Fromista, I walked across the street at 10:00 to the Albergue and pulled open the heavy wooden door to the courtyard. Or I tried to. Locked! What? I’d seen a sign that said “quiet hours” after 9:30, but didn’t realize it meant the door was locked. Albergues usually  close at 10:00. And usually, I’ve had dinner there and hung out, then gone to bed. This night was different because the Fiesta was on and the communal dinner was cancelled. I could hear and see the Techno concert going on at the other end of town. No doubt my Albergue guy, whom I’d met when I checked in, was down there.

I ran back across the street to the restaurant for help. The guy at the desk told me to talk to the hotel connected to the Albergue. I did that and there was no answer. I rang the doorbell over and over and an elderly woman opened the door. I explained my predicament and she was not amused. But after a few minutes her husband, who was standing in the background, said he would open the door. I walked back around the corner to wait for him, and no one showed up or opened the door. I wondered if I could scale the wall? I began to feel very foolish for even thinking that and for being in that position at all. It was like a flashback to my travels in college.

Just then, Mr Albergue walks up the street, smoking furiously. “Why are you out here? You should be asleep! You are Pilgrim!”

Thus ensued a huge argument between us in my bad, but loud Spanish and his bad, but loud English. Finally, he let me into the pitch dark Albergue and I found my bunk.

Unfortunately the woman sleeping next to me had what sounded like pneumonia and snored loudly and coughed throughout the night.  My white noise app was only of partial assistance.

Fromista had a few more things to teach me.


Categories: April 2015, Return to Camino, Santiago de Compostela | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Dark night of the Snore

  1. Gina

    I know this place! The guy would not even let Kai and me in the door to make arrangements or talk to friends. NOT NICE! I am so happy you got in! Frightening!!!


    • Aha! Now I remember you and Kai talking about a mean guy…should have asked you where that was. It was all heightened by the Fiesta going on. He really didn’t want to be there. I was mad at myself for losing my temper, but I realized yesterday that I may not have gotten back in if I didn’t make a ruckus.


  2. I’m enjoying your blog! Burn camino peregrina!


  3. Melindaland

    Oh dear, not again!!! I know exactly what event you’re referencing from college travels, I was there too, and just as panicked! I think our adventure, in the end, turned out better, plus there were two of us. I hope that the champion snorer really didn’t have pneumonia. Maybe try a little bit of prophylactic OJ and zinc if you can get some, just in case? This is NOT what I had in mind when I said I couldn’t wait to hear what happened next….! May your next day be full of fun and end with a quiet night in a good bed. Buenos noches, mi amiga!


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